The second I woke up I could feel that the day was gonna go terribly wrong. Just a gut feeling in my stomach. Slight nausea and bad temper. Days like that its not even worth getting out of bed.
But what can you do when duty calls...?
At work, one thing started going wrong after another and before I knew it I was pulling my hair in all directions, praying to the ground to just open up and swallow me whole..
It wasn't til I got home that I found out that a full moon was lurking above us and suddenly everything started to make sense.
I don't know why it is but a full moon has got the strangest effect on me and makes me do the stupidest things. I don't know how many times I've ruined perfectly good days just cos I've been under the misty spell of the moon. It makes me think irrational thoughts. The kind that devours you and starts eating you from the inside for no apparent reason whatsoever. And let me tell you something, it aint no picknick in the park! Now if you're not prepared for the planetary allignments, that overwhelming state of confusion can be rather frightening. You wonder why all of a sudden you feel queezy at the thought of something ridiculous. You snap uncontrolably at people who are nice to you. You're walking around inside a raincloud and you can't make sense of the simplest circumstances. And it goes on for a couple of days. Its mad..
Now if you know there's a full moon on the horizon then it's a different story. You can prepare yourself for the madness to come and you'll knowingly dicard it as just a phase that will innevetably pass in a day or two. The only problem with me is I forget to keep track of it so each time it takes me by surprise causing havoc the very first day at least.
Now what I'd like to know is; Is there a cure for Moonstruck??
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